This Teachers’ Guide is intended as a practical aid to teachers. It provides notes on the content of
a unit, user-friendly grammar explanations and strategies for approaching the exercises as well as suggestions for expansions on included classroom activities. It also includes answers to the exercises
in the text.
Helpful teaching material can be found in the introduction:
• the rationale and general aims of Understanding and Using English Grammar
• classroom techniques for presenting charts and using exercises
• ideas for expanding on the exercises provided
• strategies for promoting conversation around the grammar, vocabulary and real world topics
• suggestions on using the Workbook in connection with the student book
• supplementary resource texts
• comments on differences between American and British English
• a key to the pronunciation symbols used in this Guide
The rest of the Guide contains detailed notes and instructions for teaching every chapter. Each
chapter contains three main parts: the chapter summary, the background notes on charts and
exercises (found in the gray shaded boxes), and the bulleted step-by-step instructions for the charts and most of the exercises.
• The Chapter Summary explains the objective and approach of the chapter. It also explains any terminology critical to the chapter.
• The gray background notes boxes contain additional explanations of the grammar point, common problem areas, and points to emphasize. These notes are intended to help the instructor plan the lessons before class.
• The bulleted step-by-step instructions contain detailed plans for conducting the lesson in class. The back of the Guide contains the answer key for the student book and an index.
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