
ESL Seminars on IELTS [eBook.pdf; Audio.mp3 - Learning English Document]

We all know what accents are when discussing language. People from the east, west, north, and south of your country probably speak a different variations of the predominant language. The same is true with American English. Folks from Louisiana speak differently than those from New Hampshire. Texas accent is much different than New York accent, and so on and so on.

What does this have to you or with the TSE®? A lot! The goal of our seminar service, and these materials, is to prepare you to pass the TSE®. To do that you must speak American style English with as neutral an accent as possible. You must develop speech patterns that make you appear to be from Chicago, Indianapolis, Minneapolis, or any number of Midwestern American cities. Is that all you need to do? No.  Of course not. The whole issue of passing the TSE® exam can appear to be a terribly complicated matter. One of our tasks is to simplify that process for you.

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