
101 Helpful Hints for IELTS-Academic [eBook.pdf; Audio.mp3 - Learning English Document]

The International English Language Testing System examination can be taken in over 100 different countries in the world. It is promarily designed to assess whether candidates are ready to study or train in further or hicher education courses held in English at college or university.

The examination takes 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete, and consists of four sub-tests in the skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking.

There are two IELTS test modules availabe-the Academic Module and the General Training Module. The results of the Academic Midule may be used to determine a candidate's suitability for study at undergraduate or postgraduate level. The General Tranining Module is suitable for candidates wishing to continue their studies at diploma level o­nly. The General Training Module is also used for immigration purpoes to Australia or New Zealand, and for students who wish to complete their secondary education in an English-speaking conuntry. The General Training reading and writing sub-tests are less demanding than the corresponding Scademic Module sub-tests, but the listening and speaking sub-tests are the same for both midules.

It does not matter what subject you are going to study in the futureor have studied in the past-all students taking the desired module do the same test. You will not be tested o­n your specific knowledge of a subject; o­nly your English language skiils are assessed.

You may write o­n the question papers, but you may not take tech question papers from the examination room. All your answers must be written o­n the Answer sheet provided.

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