
Những cách nói 'no' lịch sự trong tiếng Anh

Trả lời "no" một cách trực tiếp tạo cảm giác thiếu lịch sự trong nhiều tình huống giao tiếp.

Dưới đây là một số cách từ chối trong tiếng Anh.

Khi ai đó đề nghị bạn giúp đỡ

- I would love to help you, but…

- I wish I could help you, but…

- Normally I would be able to, but…/ Normally I would say yes, but…

- Unfortunately now is not a good time for me...

Khi ai đó đề nghị giúp đỡ bạn

- I appreciate the offer, but…

- That would be great, but...

- Thank you for the offer, but...

Khi từ chối một lời mời

- That sounds great, but…

- I’m sorry I can’t come that day/night. I have…

- I really appreciate the invitation, but…

- I wish I could come, but unfortunately...

Luyện tập

Bạn hãy thử đưa ra lời từ chối cho các tình huống dưới đây.

Scenario 1: Your neighbor is moving to a new apartment and comes over at the last minute asking for help moving her furniture. You have to prepare for a big presentation so you are too busy to help.

Scenario 2: Your boyfriend offers to pick you up from work, but you already have plans to have drinks with your co-workers and so you don’t need a ride home.

Scenario 3: Your boyfriend offers to pick you up from work, but you already have plans to have drinks with your co-workers and so you don’t need a ride home.
Scenario 1:

- I would love to help you, but I am really busy working on a presentation for work right now, so I am not free.

- I wish I could help you, but I have a lot of work to do for a presentation I am making tomorrow.

- Normally I would be able to, but I have to prepare for my big presentation that is happening tomorrow.

- Unfortunately now is not a good time for me, I have to work on an important presentation.

Scenario 2:

- I appreciate the offer, but I was planning on having drinks with my coworkers.

- That would be great, but just not tonight, because I am having drinks with my coworkers.

- Thank you for the offer, but I have plans already to have drinks with my coworkers. Why don’t you come and have drinks with us!

Scenario 3:

- That sounds great, but I can’t make it this time.

- I’m sorry I can’t come that night. I have other plans already.

- I really appreciate the invitation, but I am not going to be able to make it this time.

- I wish I could come, but unfortunately I won’t be able to be there. Have a great party.

(Theo vnexpress)


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