
English for Logistics [Ebook; Audio; CDROM - Career English]

The present training resource has been originally developed specifically for those who study English for working in the field of logistics. It consists of three files. The book itself covers eight main topics staring from the introduction to logistics, and then covering inventory management and procurement, logistics services, planning and arranging transport, modes of transport, shipping goods, warehousing, storage, finance and finally documentation.

There is a set of audio files included in this training pack to help users improve the pronunciation. The last third part titled "English for Logistics MultiROM", is containing numerous interactive exercises plus some other valuable data. The training material was compiled by Marion Grussendorf, Oxford Business English series. We would recommend to us it either as a standalone course of English or in conjunction with other course-books to get the best results. In fact, one of the best profession-specific English courses available.

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